Recipes for Inspiration – Serves one or more. Best enjoyed in present moment. Memories can be stored and revisited any time. Keeps indefinitely. Can be freely and joyfully infused into your art.
Ingredients: keen fellow curiosity seekers, camera, climate correct clothing, a place to meander, enthusiasm, imagination, sense of wonder.
Head out as soon as you can after meeting – no dilly dallying! Open eyes – Open mind – Camera at the ready. Be eager to explore and be inspired by ANYTHING!!
We three chose a woodland path – lots of fir and deciduous trees, rocks, moss, leaves, pretty ground cover, branchy things, clean air, and a fresh spring rain to make everything brighter and drippy.
What a “walk”! So much banter, oohing and aaaahing – “oh – come look at this” we share excitedly …. Textures, colours, shapes – brilliant.
We let ourselves be amazed and transformed by all this beauty and the wonder of it all. Inspiring, exciting, humbling. An hour and only 50 metres later we have achieved some sort of natural high – our minds bubbling over with fresh painting ideas.
Add your own delicious experiences to your visual vocabulary. Now go make some art!!